TODO for Mac is a great little app, that has impressive number of features whilst still managing to be easy to use. It meets all criteria I set out. It’s fairly easy on the eye and didn’t require me to think how to use it. It’s also a native Mac app (ie no Adobe Air or Titanium) and so fits in with the look and feel of your other Mac apps.

Adding new tasks is a snap with the quick entry box, which can be called up when you’re in any app with a hotkey. Organising tasks, is a simple drag and drop affair. Plus the calendar offers a nice way to drag and drop tasks to be scheduled.

How it Scored

This is how it scored against the criteria for a great GTD app .

Criteria Result
Quick add Yes, into an inbox
Projects/Sub-tasks Lists and sub tasks.
Contexts/tags Yes, both.
Order tasks Yes. But order is not synced with Toodledo
Notes Yes
Highlight/star Yes
Search Yes
Deadline Yes
Reminder Yes
Recurring tasks Yes
Sync with Google Calendar Yes. via Toodledo
User Experience 3.5/5


The only place it fell down was the user experience. With having to double-click to open the edit details, the list jumping about because it’s expanded and textboxes that jumped out and close button being at the other side of the screen. All this made the editing of task a bit of a jarring experience. The overall feel of the app is very functional and lacks colour or contrast.


Items added by quick task entry don’t appear at the top (or bottom) of the inbox list. They seemed to appear randomly in the list, which is a pain when looking for an item just added.

Useful Extras

How it Looks

Main Screen
Main Screen
Task Details Expanded
Task Details Expanded
Quick Add
Quick Add
Badge for Dock Icon
Badge for Dock Icon


Mac app (obviously). The Mac app can sync with Toodledo, Dropbox or its own TODO online service. The TODO online service has a web UI too. There are also iPhone and iPad apps.


They have a support site that you can contact them by. It’s all closed, so there’s no open discussion on problems or new features.


£20 for  the app, in the App Store.