XKCD Couch New Feature - Remote Control
XKCD Couch has a new feature. The Remote Control.
The remote control is tucked out the way in a drawer at the bottom of the screen. Press either up or down on your remote control/keyboard to open the drawer. On the remote are 5 new navigation buttons (from left to right):
- Latest - navigates to the latest comic
- Skip forward - skips forward 20 comics
- Random - jumps to a random comic
- Skip back - skips back 20 comics
- First - navigates to the first ever comic
Escape or up/down closes the drawer.
Mouse Support
Although the app is intended for use from the couch with a remote control, there’s now mouse support. So all buttons/arrows/drawer handles are clickable plus there’s the image text in the tooltip.
Check it out and enjoy.