Wordpress is a great free open-source blogging platform (that can be used as a CMS too), that just keeps getting better and better. With thousands of free plugins and themes it can be extended in an extraordinary amount of ways.

I’ve setup many wordpress blogs for Great Boxee, Laters - Read it Later client for Android, Postboxed - Postboxes nearby on Android, Peter Philip and of course this blog. So I thought it’s about time I wrote about how I set up Wordpress blogs. How this setup has served me well and ensures I get the best experience for me and my visitors. This is my essential guide to creating a blog or CMS with Wordpress.

Install Wordpress

It goes without saying I download Wordpress and follow the famous 5-minute install guide to get the basic Wordpress up and running.

This I always forget, set read permissions on the wp-content/uploads folder using your ftp program. So UNIX permissions should show to be 775. If you don’t do this, your uploaded images don’t get served up.


These are the plugins I use to enhance my blog. There’s always similar competing ones but I’ve found these to offer great functionality and be reliable. You can download them all from the official Wordpress plugin directory. Unzip them and ftp them to your wp-content/plugins directory.

Wordpress Settings

Generally the defaults that Wordpress come with are good and can be left alone. The following will make it your own and improve on what’s there.

Plugin Settings


These are also great enhancements worth applying.

With over 15,000 plugins, Wordpress is extremely flexible and there is something for everyone. How do you setup yours?